Granite Countertop Seam Repair. Step by Step.

If you have a seam in your granite countertop that has become damaged or has come apart, you might be able to repair it yourself with the right materials and techniques. Here’s a step-by-step process for repairing a granite countertop seam:

Materials Needed:

  1. Granite seam filler or epoxy resin (color-matched to your granite)
  2. Razor blades or putty knife
  3. Acetone or granite cleaner
  4. Microfiber cloth
  5. Masking tape
  6. Sandpaper
  7. Clamps or weights


  1. Clean the Area: Before starting the repair, clean the area thoroughly. Use granite cleaner or acetone to remove any grease, grime, or old sealer. Wipe the area dry with a microfiber cloth.
  2. Prepare the Granite: Mask off the area around the seam with masking tape to protect the surrounding granite. This will help to prevent the epoxy from sticking to areas of the countertop where you don’t want it to.
  3. Mix the Epoxy: Follow the instructions on the epoxy kit to mix the epoxy resin and hardener. Many epoxy products come with pigments that you can mix in to match the color of your granite.
  4. Apply the Epoxy: Using a razor blade or putty knife, apply the epoxy to the seam. Be sure to press the epoxy into the seam so it fills any gaps. Scrape off any excess epoxy with the razor blade or putty knife.
  5. Clamp or Weight the Granite: If the seam has separated, it might be necessary to push the two pieces of granite back together. This can be done by applying clamps or weights to the countertop. Be sure to place a protective layer (like a piece of wood) between the granite and the clamps or weights to prevent damage to the surface.
  6. Let the Epoxy Cure: Allow the epoxy to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This could take anywhere from a few minutes to a full day.
  7. Clean the Area Again: Once the epoxy has fully cured, remove the masking tape and clean the area again with granite cleaner or acetone to remove any residue. Sand the excess of cured epoxy, if needed.

If you’re not comfortable doing this repair yourself or if the damage is extensive, it’s recommended to hire a granite seam repair professional. They have specialized equipment and experience to handle these types of repairs.

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